The Patient Care Specialist program (PCS) is a unique program and this curriculum was developed at New Age Training in cooperation with leading NYC Hospitals.
New Age Training is a training vendor for 1199SEIU – the largest Healthcare Union in NYC and USA and we know what skills are needed in order to become employed by NYC Hospitals and also an 1199SEIU member.
This program is accredited by ACCET, approved by NYS Education Department (NYSED) and by US Department of Education (USDOE)
Students enrolled in this program can use their Financial Aid if they are eligible.
Who should Enroll in PCS Program:
The PCS program is for those candidates:
- Who are looking for career in nursing
- Who would like to be employed in a hospital
- Who are planning to continue their education to become an LPN or RN and would like to be prepared for the Entrance Test for the LPN/RN program
- Who prefer not to take any administrative or computer classes and who prefer to find a job with clinical duties and not with administrative duties
- Who would like to complete CNA, PCT, Dialysis Technician modules in one program
- PCS is the only program offered in NYC which allows a candidate to complete all those modules in one program and in addition to use FINANCIAL AID instead of paying cash out of pocket
Graduates from PCS will be able to take following certifications:
- CNA (Certified Nurse Aide)
- CPT (Certified Phlebotomy Technician)
- CET (Certified EKG Technician)
- CPCT (Certified PCT Technician)
PCS program has a special subject, “Preparation for CNA and NHA Certification Exams” when students will be prepared for all certification exams.
Graduates will be able to take all certification exams at New Age Training and New Age Training will schedule all exams.
If you have all of those certifications, you will be the best candidates to become employed by NYC Hospitals because these hospitals would give their first consideration to candidates who have at least 3 of these certifications: CNA, CPCT and CPR certifications.
PCS Graduates may apply for the following positions:
- PCT (work for hospitals)
- Dialysis Technician
- Phlebotomist
- EKG Technician
Graduates from the PCS program have the BEST chances to become employed by NYC Hospitals
Our Career Services Department has direct relationships with many NYC Hospitals and we are able to schedule an interview for you and help you to start your career in the healthcare industry.
Please click here to get more information about our Patient Care Specialist program.
Please click here to register on-line.