How to Access New Age Training On-Line Library and Review Student Report Card

August 2, 2018

New Age Training

Access To On-Line Library and Student Report Card (Click to download Guide)

In order to access New Age Training’s Online Library, each student must know his/her Student ID.

If you do not know your Student ID (5 digits XXXXX), please ask your instructor or contact the Front Desk for assistance.  Online access to your Student Report Card is available for students who are enrolled in a program with a program length more than 300 clock hours.

Instructions on how to access the Library and how to find your “Report Card” 

Step 1.  Please go to our web site

Step 2.  Click “Company”

Step 3. ClickStudent Services

Step 4. Click “ONLINE Library  LOG IN HERE”

Step 5. Enter Login ID as: nat_XXXXX, a Password and click “Login”

NOTE: XXXXX is your 5 digits Student ID and you will receive a Password from your instructor

Step 6. Go to folder “New Age Training School” and click on “MA Student Report Cards” or “PCS Student Report Cards”

Click her to go directly to Login screen

Find your Report Card (all cards are sorted by Student ID) and click on a card with your Student ID.  Then, click to download (open) your Report Card. To protect your privacy, you will be asked to enter a password – 4 last digits of your SS#. When you open your Report Card, you will see subjects that you have taken, attended hours and your Final Grade for each subject.

Status for the subject is “Completed” if your attendance is above 80% and a final grade for the subject is at least “C”.  If a subject status is “INC” (Incomplete), you have either attendance below 80% or a grade below “C” or “INC”. In this case, you need to meet with Program Coordinator as soon as possible to discuss how you may correct the situation.

Please check all other Services for Students provided at New Age Training

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